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Ready Yourself, but not Just for Yourself

I’ve been practicing karate for about two years now. I’ve enjoyed it a lot, and a few months ago, I was deemed ready to help teach some classes. I knew the skills, commitment, and attitude that I needed to achieve what was prepared for me. Though I was nervous, I was ready enough to spread my knowledge to others, and to find joy in it. I’m nowhere near the end of my journey in martial arts, but that doesn’t mean I can’t help others begin on theirs.

I recently heard the illustration about cutting some boards for a project. I must cut ten boards, each being twenty inches long. So, I measure out twenty inches on a board, grab my saw, and cut. I then use that board as an outline for the next board; and then that board for the next. Eventually I’ll end up with ten completely different boards, all varying in size. This is because the saw that is being used to cut, even if it’s just an eighth of an inch, adds on to the length of the boards. Had I just used the original guide, the tape measurer, I wouldn’t have had boards that were completely wrong.

The same idea can be applied to our lives as God’s children today. We are called to teach as soon as we have the wisdom, commitment, and understanding to do so. Most importantly, with open and true hearts. We cannot go into a disagreement with the intent of listening just to bash someone else’s ideas or thoughts. We must go into a disagreement with the resolution that we will listen to learn. Here’s a crazy idea; you might actually be wrong. I know, take a moment to breathe that in. To go to another person with a humble, open heart shows a lot of maturity, and is sure to make a lasting impact on the person speaking with you.

Here’s my take on the purpose of life, that I’ve heard from many other faithful brothers and sisters; to get to heaven, and to take as many other people as you can with you. I really love that statement, and it’s a nice reminder when burdened with the distractions of this world. We can become so “selfish” in our own spirituality, that we forget about the billions of lost souls in this world. Yes, we need to first and foremost make sure we are right in the eyes of God, and walking in His footsteps, before we can go around making hypocritical judgements of others (Matthew 7:1-5). Yet, we need to remember that we are not the only ones in this world in need of a Savior. Salvation is for every single person that has or will ever walk this planet. So, it’s extremely important that we ready ourselves, and not just for ourselves, but for others. And I’ll tell you how.

I.) Exalt God Before Yourself (Psalm 145)

I heard another illustration a while back about where we place God. Imagine a throne, and next to that throne, a cross. When we give ourselves to God, and live every minute of every day for Him, we put ourselves on that cross (a temporary cross until we receive our reward) and place Jesus in His rightful place; the throne. But, when we decide that we want something, or we want to act and think in a way that we were commanded not to, we sit on that throne, and we nail Jesus to that cross once again. He is held, by nails, to that cross, as we sit right next to Him on that throne, turning our heads the other way.

How we portray ourselves to God shines greatly on our attitude towards others. Where you sit with God is where you sit with others when it comes to teaching and exhorting. If we aren’t low enough to help others in need, spiritually or elsewhere, then we definitely aren’t low enough to raise God up.

II.) Accept Your Imperfections (Psalm 130:4,5; Romans 3:23)

All of us, at one point, have tried to hide an imperfection. I’m not talking about how you might not like your smile, or your nose. I’m talking about who you are as a person. How you react, and how you don’t react. What you think, and what you aren’t thinking.

You might cover this flaw with a strong point, or completely ignore it all-together. Both responses are extremely unhealthy. Those imperfections will begin to eat away at your strengths until they shine through at your weakest moments. Maybe your imperfections are minimal individually, but major when joined together. Maybe you have one, over-arching imperfection that ruins many of your days. Whatever it may be, don’t hide it. I know, it’s a major reveal of self to others, but find someone you can confide in. Tell them your flaws, how you deal with them, and ask how should deal with them. If you can’t find someone to confide in, then confide in me. Although, your best option is to go to God in prayer.

We shouldn’t go into a conversation of any sorts with the high-and-mighty approach. Everyone has a weakness, and you shouldn’t scold someone for theirs while you act like you have none. Once again, none of us are perfect, but that isn’t a reason not to evangelize. If you don’t confront your flaws, and accept them, then no one will listen and respect you while you address theirs.

III.) Train Your Mind and Heart (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Of course, the final step is the study. What is the point of evangelism if we know nothing of God’s word? We cannot teach others of God, and salvation, if we don’t know ourselves.

God has given us all we need to live godly, pure lives. By studying it daily, we will become more and more Christ-like. As 1 Corinthians 15:33 says, “Bad company corrupts good morals.” If evil company corrupts good morals, then good company will transform evil morals. When we read God’s word, we are in the presence of God. Therefore, when we read the Bible, we will become more and more like God.

At the same time, we will gain deeper understanding to His word, and begin to meditate on it, and apply it to our lives. Eventually, when questioned by another person, you will be able to give them scriptural evidence as to why you believe something, and why they should as well. Let God help you to help them.

Now more than ever, us Christians need to grow our influence in the world. You need to ready yourself, so that when the time comes, you don’t shy away from an opportunity to teach. Remember, humble yourself, be real, and know your Bible.

May God bless you always.

May God bless you always.



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