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Filling Life's Buckets


In conclusion, my friends, fill your mind with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable."

-Philippians 4:8-18

I attended a public school from kindergarten to seventh grade until I was homeschooled in the eighth. When I was in first grade, my school has a "field day". We stayed outside the whole day, playing all sorts of games, holding competitions, even having a water balloon fight, only going inside to eat lunch. I remember this specific lunch period, because it was the only lunch time I had ever had where there wasn't constant talking with friends and food being throw across the table. Everyone was so eager to get back outside and play more games that we finished lunch twenty minutes early and had to sit at the lunch tables, eagerly waiting to run back outside.

One of the games I can remember playing was, of course, the one that I won in. The game involves two buckets, one full of water while the other is empty, and one person holding a sponge. The buckets were placed on opposite ends of one another, and said person had to soak the water up with the sponge and run to empty the full sponge into the bucket a short distance away. Now, not to toot my own horn but... TOOT TOOT! I was SO good at this game that I filled my bucket in a matter of seconds. Yes, this is one of my prouder moments in my life. I don't care that I was seven, and given an advantage because some kid knocked his bucket over and a bit poured into mine, I still got a shiny plastic medal that I treasured forever ( I wonder where that went...).

God's bucket is sitting on one end of the field, full of everything we need in this life on earth. He gives us blessings, His Word, His Church, His love. We soak up as much of it as we can with our sponge, and we race back, eager to fill our bucket on the other side, which represents our lives. Unfortunately, our life bucket lies in the midst of the world. The world's side isn't smooth. There are mounds of dirt here and there, causing us to trip. The grass is dry and prickly, hurting us and leaving wounds as we fall. While we're on the ground, we see a beautiful flower, its lush colors and intriguing aroma luring us in. We stand, striding over to the flower without a second thought. We touch the flower, the petals soft and glowing with color. Then, plucking it, we see the roots are black, rotting, and growing up our arms. Throwing the flower down, we turn to see the sponge, laying on the dirty ground, completely dried out. With broken hearts and empty buckets, we pick the sponge up, take a deep breath, and walk back to God's bucket.

God has given us everything to fill our buckets with His blessings. If we could but simply run those blessings and His wisdom to our own buckets, it would be so easy. But the world has devised a plan to sway us, and distract us from our goal. It can hurt us, and it can make us feel good. Sin is fun! We don't have to deny that fact, but the consequences are enough to refrain us from taking a second glance at it. Fill your bucket with God, and everything else will fall into place. You will fall, and you will drop your "sponge", but don't let the pleasures of this world keep you down. Get up, brush yourself off, and keep working.

I pray I have brought glory to God and ease to your heart through this post. May God bless you all, and may you receive His blessings with a ready sponge... I meant heart.





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